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Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Kathleen Edwards Affected my Marker Preference

My first posting raved about the attributes of Copic pens. Copic also makes a pretty cool marker as well.

I'm sure I will be loyal to Chartpak AD Markers for all my breathing days. Their ability to blend, nib design, etc. are unrivaled by other markers -- in my opinion. Although limited, I like their colors too. After 20 something years I can also pick colors in my sleep. It seems architects have a preference for Prismacolor markers but I don't get it. Lots of colors but they don't seem quite as blendable, etc. to me. Of course, most architects will admit their marker rendering skills pale in comparison to the talents of the typical landscape architect. We rock at marker renderings. Thank you, Mike Lin.

I discovered Copic markers last spring when my good friend Jennifer and I went to Chapel Hill, NC for the Kathleen Edwards concert and decided to check out an art supply store the following day. I was drawn to their super wide markers (it's huge!) but also liked that the other two sizes had dual nibs. The color selection is way better than "basic" -- they offer 334 colors (compared to 130 for AD and 156 for Prismacolor).

The nibs are replaceable / interchangeable and there is even an airbrush attachment. I might have to try that out. They are a little more expensive than the other brands ($5.62 for copic wide, $5.09 for copic orignal, $4.87 for copic sketch, $3.19 for Pantone, $2.59 for Chartpak -- all at Dick Blick) so I still have a limited palette. Copics are refillable, which is a good feature. For $5.99 you can refill a sketch marker up to 10 times. This seems like a more sustainable approach. Although I guess it could be inconvenient and potentially messy.

So, there you have it: another rendering option. Try them out. Oh, and if you haven't heard her yet, give Kathleen Edwards a listen. I have been a fan since her first CD. You will love her. I promise. Her songs are awesome.

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